Thursday, July 27, 2006

How am I going to fix this ...

I had a dream last night that my heart fell out...yeah, just fell out. I don't specifically know from where it fell, but it landed in my hands, cold and solid, like an anatomical model straight from this exhibition (which I recently, with slight regret, attended).

It was a snapshot of a dream, no doubt intertwined with other absurdities of my subconscious, but made for a tense and restless slumber... not so much with fear, but a delirious state of concern with how I was going to get this lifeless heart back into my must mean something.

1 comment:

angela said...

i'm not sure what it means, and i keep coming back to this post - mostly for the way you've written it. these words together have a sort of old fashioned feel to them that i really like.
have you given the dream any more thought?