Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Like a Ton of Bricks

Working in my office today I happened to look up at the calendar... something struck me about this week ... and then it hit me full force. Heart in my throat, gravity nearly collapsing my entire being... a year ago this week I was told that this miracle of life growing inside me was not going to live, that I was not going to hold her in my arms, that I was not going to be a mother. Today that pain took my breath away, like it was just yesterday. I cried for myself, I cried for my husband, I cried for my family... I cried for my daughter.

Tomorrow is a new day and a lifetime to follow, countless blessings to be had, moments to cherish...but this day I cried for a painful yesterday.

Searching for moonstones in Cambria, CA (4 mo. pregnant)