Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Self Portrait Tuesday # 4

Completely embarrasing...no one in my little universe knows I'm this lazy (except my husband & parents of course). Yes, I'm in this picture otherwise it would defeat the purpose of SPT, but the important bit is the inanimate objects in the picture, and why the heck I can't just put something away when I'm done with it?
The sad part about this is that I had to do absolutely no arranging whatsoever. This is in fact what my bathroom countertop looks like. Yeah, I'll pick it up every couple of weeks, but it always ends up in this total state of chaos. The bizarre thing is that my desk at work looks like it belongs to someone with a severe case of OCD. Every envelope meticulously lined up, papers neatly stacked, no mess whatsoever.
I told Mike someday he's going to leave me when he's completely fed up with taking care of me. He said he'd never do that, that he'd just hire a maid. . . a hot maid!

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