Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Self Portrait Tuesday #1

My very first Self Portrait Tuesday. I recently lost my first and unborn child after carrying her for 4 1/2 months. These magazines continue to come in the mail and are a constant reminder that I was just on the verge of being a parent...almost a mother.


Meira{FB} said...

I am so sorry for your loss. If it helps, I do know how you feel.

It's not something your going to get over, or forget. Time won't heal the wound. But you will learn to live with the memory. No one will ever take it's place. This baby will always be your first. Always be remembered. Will always be loved.

Anonymous said...

I know this feeling...though...my pain was caused from a failed adoption. May not be the same but for 7 months I believed I was adopting a baby...the day she was to be released from the hospital, my family member changed her mind...