Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wednesday Memesday

20 Random things about me:
  1. The only things I really collect are floaty pens.
  2. I have an extra rib that extends into my collar bone.
  3. I got a tattoo on my back when I turned 18 that I secretly hate but won't admit it was a mistake.
  4. I slept with my "blankie" until I was 23
  5. I refuse to eat any meat on a bone.
  6. When we were kids my brother had a 50 in One Electronic & Chemistry set. I licked the miniature spoon that you measured the chemicals with and I've always been afraid that I somehow altered my molecular structure or something kooky like that.
  7. I delivered triplet lambs when I was 14. Stuck my arm up there to pull them and everything.
  8. That same year I was Portuguese Queen of California and danced in a Portuguese dance group.
  9. I always thought I was adopted because there is not a single picture in existence where my mom is pregnant with me.
  10. I got frostbite on my big toe on the right foot. There's still a numb spot on the bottom.
  11. I'm horribly afraid of the dark & will run from one room to the next turning lights off & on.
  12. I can win a game of solitaire on the computer in less than 60 seconds.
  13. I was a waitress at Denny's when I was in high school.
  14. I failed my driving test two times.
  15. My first car was a 1983 VW Rabbit convertible & I had a license plate frame that said "You should see me with my top down" Was I serious?
  16. I once ran into someone's mailbox with that car when I wasn't paying attention.
  17. I've taken the equivalent of 5 years of Spanish, but don't speak a lick.
  18. The due date of the baby I lost is my Mom's birthday.
  19. If I get into bed after Mike's already asleep, I kiss him on the head and rub his back to wake him up...just because I'm ornery.
  20. I am super frugal. I will walk around a store with 5 things in my cart, then talk myself out of all the potential purchases and leave with nothing after an hour.

1 comment:

andrea said...

LOVE THIS LIST... fascinating! and funny. also, I like the whle rhyming wednesday memesday thing. I'm so crazy about memes. I should start a blog that is nothing but memes.