Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday #12

These are the two lovely creatures of which I am the offspring. This picture was taken Halloween of 1978 and it has always been an intrigue to me. My brother was 2 years old and I was but a twinkle in their eye...I imagine what fun my mom must have had concocting such costumes, how they might have laughed getting ready(I can't believe my dad let my mom paint his face!), and what sort of trouble they got into at the party. Another mind bender for me is that I am the same age now as they were in this picture...I just always remembered looking at this picture as a kid thinking how cool they were, going to a grown up costume party and all dressed as some sort of KISS spider creatures. I still feel like a kid, waiting for my day to come...I actually hope it never does...I like feeling this way!

More SPT here and here.


GJ said...

I love this! It's so funny to become the age your parents were when you were a child. Nothing like I thought it would be! Very creative post.....

Misty Mawn said...

OMG...I just hoped onto your blog via SPT and saw this picture...I have a picture JUST like this of my parents...they were about 18 and going to a KISS concert...I wish I had the picture so show you how close they are...so strange!