Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Waver

I see him every time I drive through this intersection and I think he is great. He waves and smiles for at least 8 hours a day and is just gosh darn jovial in appearance. Here's the thing...I always wave to him, every time I pass by, and Mike thinks I'm antagonizing him. Maybe I did giggle the first couple of times I waved, but I think it was that I felt odd waving at a complete stranger on a regular basis. In my mind I'm simply reciprocating his wave, even though he's not necessarily directing his wave towards me...and I'm going to keep doing it, because I think his grin gets just a tad wider when he sees me wave, and that makes me feel good.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

i like that you wave back!
you are putting positive energy and love
out into
our world.

nice job. : )