Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday # 14

A Portuguese girls gotta do what a Portuguese girls gotta do... So here I am red faced and shiny after a facial wax. I'm sure there's a million people out there that do it, but I've always been embarrased to admit this vanity...sure I'll fess up to waxing my eyebrows, but what woman wants to talk about the fact that they have unsightly facial hair?

I can't help it...it's in my gene's! I suppose if we ever enter into another Ice Age, I may survive just a bit longer than another less pileous being... Another issue I have with this picture is the slight double chin, but we'll just say that I'm working on that issue.

I'll admit that I'm easing myself into this months challenge. My face is my favorite part of my body. I will linger in front of a mirror if that's all I see, but will avoid all unnecessary contact with a full length mirror...the next weeks should be interessting, we'll see if I expose myself further.


Diz Rivera said...

It's not a latina's curse. It's what we get for having so many good things about us. HA. Plucking chin hairs, waxing moustaches and sideburns . . .

My ten year old now requests that I wax her in order to make two separate eyebrows. I said, "I'm sorry, baby, Mami was the same way."

My gorgeous best friend who is half chilean, half mexican had electrolysis on her face for fear she'd "grow a full beard by the time she was 35."

Btw, they did a great job on you.

Kathleen said...

you look fresh and glowy...i would have never known what you just went through!

i kept looking at your picture on flickr and wondering what you could find wrong with it.

damn challenge. lol. it is going to be a long month!

the Agams said...

Beautiful picture! I couldn't see how it relates to the monthly chalange until I read the text...
I think the curse of facial hair is actually the non-acceptance of the society we live in: how come men never have to go through the pain of waxing? They have a lot more of it than we do...

angela said...

feb.- sure is challenging - your picture is pretty, i also wondered what you were not liking.

andrea said...

wow, thanks for shring this... way to plunge into this month's challenge!

by the way, your skin looks amazing.