Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday # 15

SPT: February Challenge - "All of Me"

So...this is me this week, exhausted, sad, confused. My daughter would have been born this week and I can't stop thinking about how different my life would have been. This would have been her room, this would have been her dresser, these would have been her clothes... If I could, I'd like to just curl up and shut myself away in one of the drawers in hopes that when I come out, everything will be normal again.


angela said...

your story is one so many of us can relate to. sending you love

Anonymous said...

Sending you hugs- i got here from an SPT link. My heart hurts for you.

Things will get better- this advice coming from one who has lost 4 in miscarriages. It is hard- the heart pain really never goes away permanently- just keep your chin up and realize that life really is better with each new day!

You will gain so many blessings from your loss! Hugs and smiles!

Meegan Blue said...

You are a very, very brave and amazing woman. I can't imagine how rough this week must be for you. I'm thinking good thoughts for you and sending you lots of love. Be good to yourself during this difficult time.

Kathleen said...

oh abby.
i am just now seeing this post.
i am so sorry that you are going through this sadness. much love and healing vibes being sent from the east coast to you.
you are an amazing woman. thank you for sharing so openly with us.